Your success is our success

We partner with real estate agents, builders and insurance agencies for customer satisfaction.

Fidler on the Roof KC is trustworthy partner for professionals in the home service industry.

  • We help homeowners repair and upgrade roofs to get a house ready for market.

  • We help builders secure the perfect roof for their home-in-progress.

  • We’re a reliable referral service for insurance agents who need a recommendation for a customer.

Our Promise
Our Team
Our Innovations
Our Work

Request a copy of our portfolio guide for partners

Fidler on the Roof KC partners with real estate agents, builders and insurance agents for client satisfaction.

To receive a high-quality, printed portfolio of our work, history and innovations, request it below.

Our promise

  • Rapid response

  • Quality products

  • Expert craftsmanship

  • Competitive pricing

  • Full code compliance


The Fidlers are part of a multi-generational Kansas City family who are invested in their community. In 2016, brothers Brian and Eric Fidler teamed up to form Fidler on the Roof KC. Eric was a veteran roofing industry representative while Brian had worked in businesses leadership and sales. Since Fidler on the Roof KC began, it has grown steadily by providing a consistently high level of service at a competitive price.

In addition to being expert installers, the company has expanded into custom copper fabrication, owns its own steel roofing production equipment and often receives referrals from other roofers who seek Fidler’s expertise.

Fidler on the Roof KC, a Kansas City roofer, serves real estate agents, insurance agents and builders.


No Mess Roofing With Equipter

Fidler on the Roof KC Custom Copper

Fidler on the Roof KC Standing Seam Roofing

Roofing Styles provided by Fidler on the Roof KC, a Kansas City roofing company.