Remove growth and debris
Soft washing protects your roof while getting rid of mold, algae and grime.
No more hiding your siding
Our soft-washing process will remove debris and restore the sheen.
We can also brighten and protect concrete surfaces
Pressure washing, while not for roofs or siding, is perfect for dislodging debris from driveways and sidewalks. We can brighten your home from top to bottom.
Our home is our castle. But the elements – sun, heat, wind, moisture, ice – never give up.
They’re forever trying to find a way into our domain. The elements also team up with the animal world to find a passage inside. Yes, they’re cute and fluffy, but don’t be deceived. Squirrels, birds, mice and others are trying to break in.
Your roof is the battleground, taking the brunt of your home’s defense against the elements. It bakes in the sun, packs on ice in the winter and is pummeled by rain, hail and leaves. (And it never complains.)
Slow-growing biological organisms are a lower-profile threat – but still a very real menace. They don’t wreck your roof overnight. Instead, it’s a steadily marching army of mold, algae, fungus and lichens gradually building up on your shingles. Dirt, dust and decomposing leaves also join the party.
When these substances build up on a roof, they retain moisture, thwarting your roof’s built-in gravity resistance to water. Instead of running off, water hangs around and slowly sabotages your roofing. Pockets of decay can set in. One the structure deteriorates, the welcome mat is put out for mice, birds, squirrels and anything else that can squeeze into a welcoming attic.
But not if we have anything to say about it. We put away the welcome mat and replace it with a sign that says “Scram! This roof is protected by Clean Roof KC.”
How soft-washing works
Roof washing is not power washing. In fact, don’t let anyone power wash your roof unless you want to take off a few rows of shingles. Pressure washing is intended for concrete and similar surfaces, not wood, clay or asphalt shingles. And not roofing … period! Instead of a water jet, we gently coat the roof with a soft wash that slowly breaks down organic material. The solution sits for a few days to completely dissolve the contaminants. Then it, along with dirt and debris, are gently rinsed off. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at the curb appeal. Your roof will also thank you (if it could) for extending its life.
Soft-washing is appropriate and beneficial for all roof surface types including:
Composite (asphalt)
Tile (clay and concrete)
Slate and stone
Stone-coated steel
Wood shake and synthetic shake
Benefits of soft-washing your roof
Increase the lifespan of your roof.
Save money on repairs.
Stop leaks that result from decay.
Keep bugs, birds and rodents out of your home.
It will look like new (or pretty dang close).
Keep yourself safe by staying off slippery roofs and high ladders (let us do the dirty work).
Save time by letting Clean Roof KC do the job. That way you don’t have to rent the equipment and spend days doing what we can accomplish in hours.
Other cleaning services
power washing for driveways and more
Clean Roof KC is also equipped to pressure-wash concrete and hard surfaces and soft wash surfaces that need TLC.
We can clean concrete surfaces include driveways, parking lots, porches and patios. Surfaces that benefit from soft washing include siding, wood and composite decks and homes that need dirt removed before painting.
The benefits of washing these areas include:
Enhanced curb appeal for a home or business.
Removing microorganisms that retain moisture and erode surfaces.
Extending the life of a new paint job by beginning with a freshly-cleaned surface.
Ready to kiss mold and grime goodbye? Clean Roof KC will evaluate your roof, driveway or other surface, provide a free estimate and answer any questions you have. Contact us at: